Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Causes and Effects of Teenage Rebellion free essay sample

Teenagers don’t use their common sense in what’s right and wrong. They all ever think about is to have fun and excitement that lead them to no good. They still insist not to follow their parents’ rules. This rebellion can made teenagers very annoying. They will not listen in every word and sentences that their parents’ will say to them. Rebellion will turn teenagers conscienceless. II. Teenage Rebellion As part of their development into young adults, humans must develop an identity independent from their parents or family and a capacity for independent decision-making. They may experiment with different roles, behaviors, and ideologies as part of their process of developing an identity. Teenage rebellion has been recognized within psychology as a set of behavioral traits that supersede class, culture, or race. III. Causes of Teenage Rebellion A. Reasons of Rebelling We need to better understand adolescent developmental stages to help us not take teenage behavior as a personal attack on us. By becoming familiar with these stages, we will increase our competence in encouraging teens to establish their sense of identity. Teens are preparing to separate or individuate from the family. They are in the process of developing their values. Teenagers must initiate this separation and often rebellion gives them the energy to do this. A teenager challenges rules and values as a way of establishing his or her individuality. Adolescents cannot do this in a vacuum, but rather through conflict and confrontation Adolescents may be rude or make fun of parents and other authority figures and not want to be with them. In a teenager’s mind, defiance expresses autonomy and says that he or she doesn’t need parents in and often serves as a test of parental caring. Due to body changes, there can be confusion about whether teenagers really do want to grow up. Hormonal changes because mood swings marked by tearfulness, heightened sensitivity, sudden flare-ups, an increased need for physical activity and inappropriate laughter and giggling. Teens begin to work out their relationships with their peers to find out how they fit in. Teens start relating to the opposite sex in a different way than they did when they were younger (where there were once friendships, romantic relationships and/or deeply felt negative emotions may surface). Teenagers have a heightened need for privacy. Experiencing privacy gives them a new sense of control and autonomy. They need privacy to test things out for themselves without parent input. Teenagers may feel all-powerful and all-knowing at the same time that they experience fears of inadequacy and failure. Teens still need an adult to relate to, but in a different way than they did when they were younger. B. Ways of Rebelling Teenagers have their own way of rebelling they drink this alcoholic beverages. They smoke these bad cigarettes, and they staying out late. They always try to get their parents’ attention with this, but it doesn’t do anything good. IV. Effects of Teenage Rebellion A. Results of Rebelling It can result to a broken future. It can lead teenagers in the wrong path. Teens assert independence from their parents as they grow up because they are trying to be adult individuals with separate lives from their parents. This allows them to move out of the family unit some day and prevent inbreeding. As hunter gatherers this would allow new family groups and tribes to develop thus expanding the range of the species. Now this might mean that teens don’t listen to their parents, stressing their parents out and possibly engaging in risky behaviors like bad driving, drinking, smoking, doing drugs and becoming sexually active. Or they might just not focus on their school work and allow their grades to drop. In a more positive light it also means that they branch out into new areas. They may start a band, or decide to be an architect, rather than an accountant, like their parents want them to. These types of rebellion allow teens to find activities and occupations they enjoy, perhaps more than the activities encouraged by their parents. B. Solution for the Problem It is very important to hold teens accountable for their actions. This means creating appropriate positive and negative consequence of consequences for behavior and being consistent with their delivery. Be clear and simple with expectations and rules and always follow through. Monitor your teens activities strategically. Know exactly where your teen is going and get all details. However, there should be a balance between autonomy and supervision. Increasing amounts of freedom should be earned gradually. Express concern and caring with respect to your childs safety rather than appearing controlling. Encourage pro-social teen behavior. Get your child involved with proactive youth activities. Praise pro-social behavior and discourage your teen from associating with rebellious peers. Encourage children to use their talents and be of service to others. Be aware that you are a role model. Your teenager is influenced by both your words and your actions. Be consistent with all agreements. If there are personal issues you are facing, get help for them. It is normal for teens to assert their independence and test limits. The goal is to be understanding of adolescent development and at the same time help your teenager understand that there is clear connection between their actions and consequences. Responding by being consistent, calm, encouraging, and reasonable will help maintain trust and respect. Conclusion I conclude that everybody can go through this teenage rebellion. It can bring or do either good or bad. Parents should not ignore this kind of behavior. It can cause too much damage. Parents should not be harsh or strict on their siblings. It’s very normal for teenagers to be moody, aggressive or even angry at everything. If you accept that as a rule, then you can choose when is the proper time to let it go and when you should patiently and responsibly explain to them the difference between right and wrong. The key motive for teenage rebellion is the urge to find a suitable place in the greater adult world and feel they really belong there. However, to make sure teenagers know the entire adult world they have to explore the edges. This is why they prefer extreme behavior: by acting to the extreme, teenagers feel mature enough to be initiated in the adult world. Yet, their behavior reflects their lack of knowledge about right and wrong and how they gradually mature through trial and error. As soon as you understand that, you have made the first, and perhaps, the most important step into dealing with teenage rebellion.

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